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Siding Matchup: Hardie Siding vs. Vinyl Siding

When homeowners consider installing siding – for curb appeal, to protect their investment, and to provide energy-saving insulation – their minds automatically jump to vinyl siding, the better-known and more modestly priced choice. But when it comes to siding installation, you can get much more bang for your buck, with greater durability and better visual… 

James Hardie Siding: The New, Improved, and Revolutionary Siding Option

More than 30 years ago, James Hardie Building Products invented a material that would prove to be revolutionary for the siding market. The product was James Hardie fiber-cement siding. Because James Hardie has invested in excess of $100 million in research and development, their product is roughly five years ahead of regular fiber-cement siding in… 

Vinyl Siding Melting?

Did You Know That Vinyl Siding Can Melt? After a homeowner recently called me with a question about replacing her vinyl siding, I did some research and found this article. The homeowner mentioned her vinyl siding looked, “melted,” and I thought it might be on a deck near a grill. This is a common…